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Forensic Accounting

What does a forensic accountant do?
Typically, a forensic accountant will Identify financial issues by collecting, evaluating and analyzing financial evidence using investigative skills or techniques, and interpret and present their financial findings and conclusions to their client and other parties in the form of schedules, presentations or reports. A forensic accountant is trained to search beyond the numbers to assist clients in making smart, well-informed decisions. 

What services do you provide?
Typically, we provide services under the umbrella of family law: 


Litigation support services -- primarily in the area of family law.  The nature and the extent of the services we provide is tailored to our clients and their specific needs in close consultation with their attorneys.  The services can range from discovery and document management, to assisting clients in preparing their Financial Affidavit, asset identification and valuation, asset tracing, income calculations, needs analysis, and support calculations.  If needed, we provide expert witness testimony.

Collaborative law - an out-of-court approach to settling family law matters. We are trained as neutral financial professionals.


Consulting services in conjunction with preparing or reviewing financial information provided in conjunction with prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements, and 


Other consulting services as agreed upon.


Who hires you?
Typically, we are retained by one of the parties to a family law matter, at the recommendation or in close consultation with their lawyer. We may be hired as a neutral professional by both parties in a family law matter within the structure of collaborative family law. In rare instances, we may work for both parties as a neutral accountant in a contested (non-collaborative) case. 

Our clients, not their attorneys, are typically responsible for retaining us and paying our fees.


If I hire you for litigation support services does that mean my case will go to Trial?
Not necessarily. In fact, most family law cases do not go to Trial. They are resolved through mediation or other settlement negotiations. How your case gets resolved will depend on many factors. Your attorney will assist you in understanding the process.  


Are you lawyers?
No!!!  We are forensic accountants. We do not provide legal advice! That’s what lawyers are for. We provide financial analysis and information to assist clients and their attorneys in making decisions.

Can you do my taxes? Can you audit my company?
No. Sorry. We focus our practice exclusively on forensic accounting and litigation support.

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